Friday, 22 January 2010

Feast Statistics

Here are the latest statistics for the Feast. This follows a really busy evening on Wednesday.

Total number of people who have been to the Feast since it started in January 2002 - 961

Total who have been to King's for a Sunday service - 139 (14.46%)

Total number who have stayed in the housing project - 59.

So we are closing in on the 1000th different person to attend the Feast. Obviously it is about individuals and we are blessed with individuals - this week 'Jeff the Ref' proved that everyone is uniquely made!

Friday, 15 January 2010

London Leaders

I spoke at the gathering of Leaders from the newfrontiers churches in London about the call of scripture to care for the poor. Caring for the poor is far more than a short lived campaign we must build churches with visionary leadership and communities that have caring for poor in it's DNA. Churches that are prepared for the issues facing our societies.

I suggested 5 ways that leaders can respond.
1. Ask God to give you a heart for the poor. When was the last time you stopped and had a cup of tea with someone who is obviously in need?
2.Visit places where the poor are being cared for. Get inspired!
3. Get your hands dirty - make cups of tea at a local drop in.
4. Preach about it - preferable after the first 3 points.
5. Be ambitious, there are so many opportunities in this city. Light a beacon and people will find you.

If we are going to change our nation it must include the poor and working class. This means we must pay the cost, reach out and communicate the gospel of Christ in a way that ALL people can understand.

Friday, 8 January 2010

'All is quiet on New Year's day'

Well December rushed by with no blogging. There was no short of excitement with the Caring Christmas Trees project. The final total for trees sold was 283 which was a fab outcome. We managed to get national press coverage when we had a mention in the Guardian Magazine.

By comparison New Year has felt very quiet! However this Sunday we have the volunteer feedback session which will be fun and very helpful as we plan next years tree project.

But for now there is much to work on - next week I am speaking at the London Leaders (newfrontier churches) on the subject of working with the poor. Then there is ongoing training for the volunteer key workers and helping the residents keep on track! Also we are planning this year's trip to Chepstow with letters going out today to invite about 50 people for the three day holiday.

At the Feast on Wednesday I invited people to come to church, explaining that you don't have to dress differently to how you do on Wednesday evening, that there will be people there that you know - basically it is a safe place to come to - I even explained (in response to questions) that you could come to church (even) if you were not baptised or a Christian! Afterwards one girl asked if she could come to church because when she was young, her Dad had read the bible to her and she still remembered the truth. Hopefully she will make it this week.

The church must shine like a beacon (of hope, of good news, of mercy etc) to all those around.
