Friday, 21 November 2008

Starting a blog

The Jericho Road Project is 7 years old!

I have started this blog to increase communication of what is happening on the project and also what I am up to.

In 2001 I moved to Catford on the day the England football team beat Germany 5-1 and this week England beat Germany 2-1. Whilst some things are consistant other things are rapidly changing. The project has grown from small beginings to now having 5 houses that provide support for 22 residents, a support group, the Feast, Feast Alpha table, advice work and King's Money Advice. The number of people we provide care for is expanding, the number of volunteers is growing and we have a significant profile in the borough and beyond! But most significantly God has changed lives!

In 7 years time the project will have significantly changed again and I pray for more lives to be changed, however I hope one thing stays the same, England beating Germany at football.
