Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Neighbours on the Jericho Road

Well the snow changed a lot of plans! It prevented our new fortnightly housing surgery from starting and the newfrontiers (the group of churches we are connected to) 'prayer and fasting' days are not happening hence I am in the office rather than in Peterborough. In fact I love the snow and spent most of yesterday out sledging with my family. With no buses running and plenty of community time it felt like Christmas Day. But I am also aware that for those who are sleeping rough or the elderly or those lacking the means to heat their flat it is a deeply miserable time. Earlier in January on this blog I made reference to the Jericho Road story that Jesus told which hinges on the question "who was a neighbour?" and the answer is the man who showed mercy.

At the last two Feasts we have had many rough sleepers. We continue to send people to the winter shelters around London and especially the Deptford and the Bromley shelters. How vital that these shelters exist! I am in regular contact with these centres to make the connections for people turning up at King's who are without shelter.

I also know from years of managing a night shelter that when you are running these shelters it can be very challenging. Maintaining appropriate behaviour demands much from those running these centres. Often there are very difficult decisions are required. When Jesus said 'Go and do likewise' (show mercy) he obviously knew that not everyone who is cared for is going to be nice and respond gratefully. Caring for our neighbours will always require us to go beyond our selves, whether it is a religious divide, a language barrier, a moral mess or a time challenge!

Next Monday we start a new house (our sixth) meaning that 26 residents will be housed and supported. Some of these new residents are currently staying in the winter shelters I described earlier. I am waiting to confirm what we will need to provide for the new house but in general it will be well furnished! Later this week I will be blogging on how you can contribute to the work. There are numerous inquires each week about furniture and ways that you can help people directly, others want to know how to give financially. More of that later on.

Whilst writing this I have been pulled away to be a 'neighbour'. Firstly a drunk, slightly abusive lady who I have never met before and secondly a man I have not seen for over 2 years who continues to try to find a way through his addiction/mental health issues and his Christian faith. As I have said before there are many people who have been beaten up by life on the Jericho Road.

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