Tuesday, 3 March 2009

The Jericho Road Holiday

This year we are taking the residents (plus other jrp friends) away for three days to a residential centre near Chepstow later on this month. Each time we have done this it has been a superb time of deepening friendships, discovering truth from the bible, plenty of fun and lots of stories to tell. But probably the simplest reality is that it takes people out of their 'normal' environment, it breaks up the usual and allows people to breath and take a check on how they are doing. For many who live on the project, our holidays provide the only planned change to their routine. It is therefore healthy and productive for the project to go on holiday. Last year we organised canoeing and high ropes, this year we may a little more relaxed and have a go at archery!

Whilst I am thinking ahead, the new frontiers Social Action Conference takes place on the 18th April 2009 in Milton Keynes. I am leading the team that are organising this event. This year the conference is called 'Remember the Poor' and Guy Miller from Bournemouth is the main speaker. This week flyers will be in church and the website is due to go live for bookings any day now.

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