Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Social Action Conference 2009

This is a report about the conference that took place on Saturday, 15 of us from the Feast attended.

Where can the homeless person sit in your church? How does the non-reader learn about Jesus? How can the non-english speaking Asylum Seeker hear the gospel? With these questions Guy Miller challenged us to consider the poor in our church contexts.

Why would 250+ people travel to Milton Keynes on a sunny Saturday and pay good money to be challenged in this way? Because we as a movement are committed to preaching the gospel and serving the poor. Hundreds of us are involved in numerous projects, here in the UK and across the nations, helping reach those in need with the good news of Jesus Christ.

In the main session, Guy encouraged us to keep a sense of humour and to keep our FOCUS using the letters as a basis for his message. Faith, Origins (of poverty, shame & alienation), Church (not just projects), Universal sense of calling (to the nations), Salvation (not just works but also Word).

Seminars in the morning included, Peter Lyndon from Brighton used a tray of “seedlings” to show how nurturing gifting can lead to a seed-bed of social action within your church. Jim Harper, Elder at Worcester, answered the question Can people really be set free? Yes, they can! Nick Priggis from North Shrewsbury asked Can we really change our Communities? And, yes, we can! Tim Davies, Buxton Church in the Peak shared about their experience of linking in a very real way with the church in Clarens, South Africa and the growth and blessings that has brought to both churches.

Stands showed the work of Bethany Christian Trust (Homelessness), Boaz Trust (Asylum Seekers), CareConfidential, Community Money Advice, Christians Against Poverty, Life for the World Trust. Over lunch there were testimonies from a number of projects including Encounter Camp, seeing people with life controlling issues receive spiritual breakthrough.

In the afternoon, seminars were “How to’s”. How to: Start a project from scratch; Maintain good practice, Preach the gospel to the poor; Engage & have influence; and How to Fundraise.

Heather Miller shared with us stories of prostitutes they have met and helped on the streets of Bournemouth. Encouragements and set-backs, lessons learned and many tears shed.

The day ended with more challenges from Guy: Are we attracting the poor into our churches? Are we willing to invite the poor into our homes? Are we willing to live more simply and give away more to the poor?

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