Friday, 22 May 2009

Micah Challenge

I spent the morning at a Micah Challenge consultation meeting. The Micah Challenge operates in 40 countries and exists to "reawaken the church to its biblically-mandated, prophetic role in fighting the injustice of global poverty, whilst, and by, empowering it to play its part in efforts to hold world leaders to account for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. Click here to have a look.

At this meeting I was in a group with a fascinating man called Ade Omooba. He helps run lots of social action initiatives. He is one of the key guys organizing the London Global Day of Prayer, he is co-founder of the Christian concern for our nation and is a strong anti-gun and knife crime campaigner, as a result he organized the London wide 33 days of prayer last summer that specifically prayed about that issue. And he is a really nice guy!

The following is a news article from last year when he was held at gun point in New Cross This was shortly after the 33 days of prayer. Please do look at this article!!

Thursday, 14 May 2009

900th person at the Feast

Last night's Feast was a slightly rowdy affair with a good number of people. This included a high number of women which has been a recent trend. There were 5 new people and also some friends who haven't been for quite a while. In recent weeks a typical scenario is people returning to say hello and say that they are housed and doing well, which is great encouragement.
We also welcomed the 900th(and 901st, 902nd, 903rd and 904th) person to attend the Feast since it started in January 2002.

One simple request - the Feast needs empty clean margarine tubs. Please bring them to the kitchen at King's.

Encounter Camp 2009 please click here
If you would like to come please inform me. The cost is £60, this is made up of £25 to encounter, £20 transport and £15 food.
I would love to take a really good group.

Friday, 8 May 2009

How to give to the Jericho Road Project!

I have recently prepared a document that outlines how to give financially to the Jericho Road Project and here it is.

The Jericho Road Project started in 2001 and has grown into 6 houses providing low level support for 26 residents, an outreach meeting called the Feast and a support group called LifeGroup.

The JRP is a ministry of King’s Church and operates under the legal and financial covering of the church. The Jericho Road Project is a ring fenced fund, therefore the project uses the benefits of the King’s Church office and therefore keeps costs low. However the JRP currently has a turn over of £150K and with the many people in our city that need help there is much more we would like to do.

How is the JRP financed?
Rents, combination of housing benefit and residents payments, make up the largest percent. Please be aware that the rents do not cover the support costs, the rents cover the costs of the houses plus a contribution towards the management of the project. Other sources of income are donations from individuals and churches and support from King’s Church.

How does the church contribute?
The church makes a regular payment to the JRP and also contributes the following. Office space, phone calls, IT support, legal support, paper, other resources, admin staff time, premises management, training, oversight, prayer for the project.

Do people make individual donations?
For the last couple of years individuals have been able to make regular payments and one off donations. Our group of monthly donors has made it possible to employ a full time key worker.

How do I make a financial contribution?
Please fill in the form on this flyer where you can join our regular donors. Regular donations help us to plan ahead.

You are also welcome to make one off payments, again please fill in the form. These can be made by cash, cheque (mark clearly for the JRP) or by bank transfer (use the information for standing order)

£10 a month = 1 sleeping bag a month to a rough sleeper.
£50 a month = Key working support for 1 resident each month

How do I find out more?
You are welcome to visit the Feast or LifeGroup.
Visit the blog
Request a standing order form to give regularly to the Jericho Road Project.

Thank you for reading this, please do contact us on or 020 8690 4646

Charity number: 1082666

Friday, 1 May 2009

Marsha Phoenix Annual lecture

Marsha Phoenix is a young women's housing project in Brockley and is great! I have just found out that they do an annual lecture, here are the details. The subject looks very interesting.

All workers and especially service users are warmly invited to our annual lecture
Venue;- Goldsmiths University in the Ian Guilard lecture theatre,
Date/time; Wednesday 05.05.09 4.30pm and Tea is provided!

This year's lecture is delivered by Professor Ann Phoenix and is entitled
Adults looking back; re conceptualising non normative childhoods"
- How adults reflect on difficult childhood experiences

The event is free!! no need to book; just turn up!
