I have recently prepared a document that outlines how to give financially to the Jericho Road Project and here it is.
The Jericho Road Project started in 2001 and has grown into 6 houses providing low level support for 26 residents, an outreach meeting called the Feast and a support group called LifeGroup.
The JRP is a ministry of King’s Church and operates under the legal and financial covering of the church. The Jericho Road Project is a ring fenced fund, therefore the project uses the benefits of the King’s Church office and therefore keeps costs low. However the JRP currently has a turn over of £150K and with the many people in our city that need help there is much more we would like to do.
How is the JRP financed?
Rents, combination of housing benefit and residents payments, make up the largest percent. Please be aware that the rents do not cover the support costs, the rents cover the costs of the houses plus a contribution towards the management of the project. Other sources of income are donations from individuals and churches and support from King’s Church.
How does the church contribute?
The church makes a regular payment to the JRP and also contributes the following. Office space, phone calls, IT support, legal support, paper, other resources, admin staff time, premises management, training, oversight, prayer for the project.
Do people make individual donations?
For the last couple of years individuals have been able to make regular payments and one off donations. Our group of monthly donors has made it possible to employ a full time key worker.
How do I make a financial contribution?
Please fill in the form on this flyer where you can join our regular donors. Regular donations help us to plan ahead.
You are also welcome to make one off payments, again please fill in the form. These can be made by cash, cheque (mark clearly for the JRP) or by bank transfer (use the information for standing order)
£10 a month = 1 sleeping bag a month to a rough sleeper.
£50 a month = Key working support for 1 resident each month
How do I find out more?
You are welcome to visit the Feast or LifeGroup.
Visit the blog www.socialactionjrp.blogspot.com
Request a standing order form to give regularly to the Jericho Road Project.
Thank you for reading this, please do contact us on sallen@kingscentre.org.uk or 020 8690 4646
Charity number: 1082666
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