Tuesday, 24 November 2009

listen to the Feast on Premier Radio

You can listen by clicking here

Last week Andy, Teresa and myself attended the Inspire awards last Thursday. We didn't win but it was a great event. There are some great people doing really good works who won awards. It was fun being at the House of Commons.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Premier Radio interview

The Feast is featured on the Dennis Pethers show on Premier Radio at 7pm on Saturday evening. I understand they are using Yvonne's interview and this morning I have done a phone recording with Dennis. So tune in at 7pm on Saturday or listen via the Premier radio website after the Saturday evening broadcast.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Caring Christmas Trees

The past few weeks have been take up with the Trees project. I have learnt lots and much is groundwork for the next years. The response has been fantastic with lots of demand for flyer's. The challenge is now seeing the tree sales hit our targets. There are 196 volunteer positions over the weekend and over 25% of these have been filled already.

Part of my desire to run this tree project is that I wanted our profile to rise. This initiative has given us the opening into many schools and offices. I overheard one person expressing "this gives me an easy way of telling people at work what my church is doing". Also we have sent out a press release to a number of publications. We are hopeful for a number of media openings.

Also next week the Jericho Road Project is on the shortlist for an Inspire Award. Andy, Theresa and myself are attending the ceremony in Westminster.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Caring Christmas Trees website

Yes, this year you can help the homeless by buying a Caring Christmas Tree! Please have a look at www.caringchristmastrees.com for all the information on how to buy, how to volunteer and how to tell your family and friends. This is a great opportunity to let hundreds, hopefully thousands about the work that we are doing! There will be a big push at King's Church on the 15th and 22nd of November but it will be personal recommendations that will be so important.
