Thursday, 4 August 2011

Introduction to Homelessness Training

A number of our team have been on this training and have found it very useful.

Introduction to Homelessness Training
Saturday 1st October or Saturday 26th November 2011
Housing Justice runs a very popular one day training workshop on homelessness and related issues. It is particularly suitable for volunteers in churches and smaller homelessness projects or people who are new to working in the field. This one day workshop is usually over subscribed so early booking is recommended! 

The training covers: Role of the church, statutory and voluntary sector; homelessness law and local authority duties; mental health awareness; drugs and alcohol awareness; boundaries/dealing with conflict.

COST £25 per person for Housing Justice member organisations

NOTE HJ Membership includes two free places but please get in touch if cost is an issue. Some bursary places are available for unfunded churches or small organisations and for low/unwaged volunteers. 

DATES Saturday 1st October 2011 or Saturday 26th November 2011
10.00am - 4.00pm

Venue Housing Justice 22-25 Finsbury Square London EC2A 1DX
Nearest tube: Moorgate 

Further info/to book please email
Claire Garner or call 020 7920 6600

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