Friday, 2 July 2010

Significant moments

There are significant moments that define a week, a month or even a year. Today was a defining moment that I may well look back on in years to come. We have submitted revised rent levels to residents and to the Housing Benefit department. The financial change may well mean that we are not losing money each year and will hopefully give us the springboard for future ministry development. We are only scratching the surface of the needs of the community around us. Come on let's take enemy ground - every day. Today it is for the 35 year old women who is sleeping rough in Woolwich but waiting for a place in our housing project. She is the victim of injustice but in Jesus Christ, justice is restored.

Bikeathon update
The number of riders has risen to 16 and the current total of supporters is 321 and rising. This is a great achievement, I wonder if we will reach 500 supporters??

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