Friday, 9 July 2010

Why should you care?

I have written this for my guest spot on Steve Tibberts blog but thought I would post it here first.

You don’t expect me to stop and look after someone in need. I like other people to do the stuff, just don’t ask me. I find that needy people drain me of energy. I don’t have the patience.

Does this describe how you feel sometimes?

When was the last time you stopped and listened to someone? I mean ‘listened to their story’.

Jesus told a story about inviting someone to spend time with you knowing that they cannot repay you. This was not conditional love – i.e. if you can pay me back I will offer you help. But it is open handed expressions of care that Jesus encourages us to do. Jesus says if they invite you back you will be repaid. BUT if you reach out to the Poor, crippled, lame and blind you will be BLESSED.

No.1 Get to know people. The widow on your street, the teenager who doesn’t fit in at school or church, the mother tearing her hair out in despair at her struggle to parent, the addict who is fixated on the next bit of gear. I spoke with a homeless girl last week who had suffered a mental health breakdown whose story was so sad or the rough sleeper who has been given a 6 month suspension on his personal benefits. There is often not an easy answer but we can always listen to people’s story.

No.2 Be willing to lose your ‘self’– you may miss your favourite TV programme or feel out of your depth, have your own faith questioned – Can God really help this person? Walk in Faith, pray for the person, practically help them.

The Blessing maybe a delayed blessing (it may be immediate!) but God is always true to his word – in the end, in the Kingdom economy – it is totally worth helping those in need.

Do you want to be repaid or BLESSED?

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