Wednesday, 16 February 2011

40 Days

King's Church is almost at the end of the '40 days' that is leading up to the church becoming one church on 3 sites. The highlight for many has been the Wednesday meetings that have been powerful reminders that God is real and active. I have only had limited time in these meetings due to the Feast being on at the same time, but each time I have been in, it has been great! I think that as a church we are in a better state as a result of these 40 days, indeed we approach Sunday when we will be sent to the 3 sites with confidence that God is at work not just in bringing new people to us but also making us more like him and less reliant on ourselves.

And despite staying at the Catford site I definately regard that we are being sent. It is going to look very different after this Sunday.

Personally the highlight from the last 40 days is the preach Phil did on the 6th February on the Word of God. It had all the usual ingredients of Phil's preaching; humorous, relevent, accessable and full of truth. It was a fabulous reminder that the Christian life is a radical way to live. If you missed it click here for the podcast.

Well after these 40 days the church will definately not be the same! Bring it on!

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