Monday, 18 April 2011

The Beauty of Mountains

One of the times when I know I am most alive is when I escape to the mountains. And because of my Knee injuries and then the operation I haven't been up a mountain since the last day of July when we climbed Maeglase in Mid Wales. Today then signals the start of a new year of mountains and every year my brother-in-law and I take our boys away camping and scrambling. So assuming my leg holds up we will be getting our fill of the beauty that is the British Isles. Each time I climb I realise how untouched the mountains are. Sure there are paths worn by boots but there are many parts of the mountains that simply do not get affected by humans. But a long time ago I realised that I should live in the city but get to the hills as regularly as possible. So here we go ... I'm off to the mountains.

1 comment:

Tim Davies said...

Love it!

And in light of what you've said, this is worth watching. Climb those mountains, my friend!

