Wednesday, 5 October 2011

10 Facts about 10 Years of the JRP

1. We have recorded 1131 different people who have been to the Feast.

2. Since the Feast began we have never had to do any recruitment for the team.

3. There have been 88 residents since the housing project started in 2004.

4. King's Church Sunday Attendance has grown from 250 to 1250.

5. About 14% of people who come to the Feast go on to attend Alpha.

6. We serve approximately 4400 3-course meals a year.

7. There has been a Feast table at every evening Alpha course since 2002.

8. We have taken 37 people on holiday this year.

9. I estimate that we have served 27960 meals at the Feast in the 10 years.

10. The Money Advice Service took on 60 new people in a single year.

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