Is relapse just the result of a one off event, a stroke of bad luck or simply an accident? How do people stay away from addictive behaviour?
One of the most useful 'models' I have ever come across is the FASTER scale and it is primarily used for people who are in 'recovery' from addiction although I think it's use goes wider. For many people who manage to abstain from their drug of choice (which may change over time) the battle be focused on not relapsing. The FASTER scale is definitely the simplest model of maintaining recovery but that also means it is memorable, I have written it on numerous cafe napkins.
Couple of comments before I start. This model works neatly alongside the 'cycle of change model', which is a more commonly used 'relapse' model and I'll do a separate blog on it sometime. You need to know Relapse is a PROCESS not an EVENT. There are always sequences of behaviour and thought that take place before Relapse. There may be a final 'event' that can be used as blame for the relapse but there has always been a PROCESS.
F.A.S.T.E.R. stands for FORGETTING PRIORITIES, ANXIETY, SPEEDING UP, TICKED OFF, EXHAUSTED, RELAPSE. The process flows from F to R and the process can take place over a few months, weeks or even over the course of a day. Let me explain.
FORGETTING PRIORITIES - I have coined the phrase 'building blocks of life' and I ask people to tell me what are the parts of the week are providing them strength. May be a support worker, work, sport, education, reading the bible, going to church. Other priorities must include housing (paying rent) and food (shopping). Sometimes this list is very small, which requires a further conversation. But once a list has been formed, people are aware of what they cannot afford to 'forget' or 'avoid' or 'hide from'.
If someone misses their priorities it leads to ...
ANXIETY - worry about any of the above. Guilt for letting people down. Bad news can cause further concern.
If someone is not able to deal with their ANXIETY it leads to ...
SPEEDING UP - inability to manage eating and sleeping. Feeling the need to prove to others that you are really OK by being really busy. Not able to listen or relax.
This continues on ...
TICKED OFF - irritated over small things or other peoples behaviour, road rage moments. Tends to lead to isolation as others avoid you.
This continues to ...
EXHAUSTED - nothing left in the tank. Spiritually, emotionally and physically bankrupt. No resistance to the next option of returning to the thing you swore you would never do again.
And then there is the inevitable RELAPSE unless there is divine/drastic intervention.
The key to helping people is help people know their priorities and how to keep them. Secondly it is knowing what to do with ANXIETY. This model works for many of life's challenges. Try it! I've used the model with others for all forms of addiction but also selfishness, anger and even marriage difficulties.
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